Eh Kamis kemaren gw nonton lagi. Tadinya mau nonton Night At The Museum 2, tapi teman gw si Olin, maunya nonton Terminator : Salvation...
Hmm seruuu bangetttt deh tuh film. Well, cowo banget sih filmnya, mesin2 robot gitu, tapi buat gw asik juga liat 2 cowo tampan (Christian Bale & Sam Worthington).
Gw lagi sukaaa bangeeett sama lagunya SORE yang judulnya Karolina. Ugh romantiss.. Udah lama sih lagunya, cuma beberapa hari lalu gw lagi denger radio hp dalam perjalanan ke kampus, tepatnya denger radio OZ di acara Rilis, diputer tuh lagu itu. Wew,, baru denger dari awal sampe abis, enak bangett..menyejukkan hati. Halah :p
Nih dia liriknya..
Making love to you
is like a dream to me
Having you beside me
is a fantasy
I've been reaching for a star,
trying to catch that morning sun...
I long
for you,
my lady in the night...
Sight by sight,
i see you walk into my life
Would I ever be beside you,
please my love
Stormy wind blows with the night
Hope I'll never lose the
I love you, my lady in the
I'll lead you to my life,
through the finest hour of my life.
You my light, guiding me, through the
darkest of my life.
I'll never
feel so ever, feel so high.. Through
the summer sunshine of our love...
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